Information and biographies of the clergy of Southwark Cathedral

The Very Reverend Dr Mark Oakley | Dean

undefinedThe Very Reverend Dr Mark Oakley was ordained at St Paul’s Cathedral in 1993 and served his curacy at St John’s Wood Church. He was later appointed Chaplain to the Bishop of London and after four years was made Rector of the Actors’ church in Covent Garden. He has subsequently served as an archdeacon in the Diocese in Europe, Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral and Dean of St John’s College, Cambridge. Mark holds a PhD in English Literature and is an admired author of several books on poetry and spirituality. He is well known as a speaker and preacher and has been awarded both the Michael Ramsey Prize for theological writing and the Lanfranc award, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, for education and scholarship. Mark has a strong commitment to human rights and has served on the board of Liberty and the Civil Liberties Trust, as well as being awarded one of the first ‘Upstander’ awards for his work with hate crime victims. King’s College London awarded him a Fellowship in recognition of his work and ministry. Mark was installed as the Dean of Southwark in early December 2023. 

020 7367 6727


The Revd Canon Michael Rawson | Sub Dean and Canon Pastor

Michael Rawson (C) Southwark CathedralMichael joined the team as Sub Dean and Pastor at Southwark in December 2014. He has responsibility for pastoral care, oversight of volunteers particularly the Day Chaplains, ministry to children and young people, and stewardship. In July 2023 he took up the position of Interim Dean following the retirement of Andrew Nunn as Dean of Southwark.

Michael was born in Yorkshire and spent most of his ministry in the Diocese of Wakefield (prior to the formation of the Diocese of Leeds) as a parish priest, Bishop’s Chaplain and latterly as Sub Dean and Pastor at Wakefield Cathedral.

In his leisure time, Michael enjoys travel, food, theatre and the arts.

020 7367 6706

The Revd Kathryn Fleming | Canon Precentor

undefinedKathryn was installed as Canon Precentor in September 2023 having been Canon for Worship and Community at Coventry Cathedral.  In this role she oversaw all the worship offered at Coventry Cathedral. Ordained in 2004, her early years of ministry were spent in the Diocese of Gloucester.

Kathryn studied English at Trinity College, Cambridge and Durham University where she specialised in 17th Century Religious Poetry. Prior to ordination, she had a varied career including working as a bookseller, music teacher, bed and breakfast proprietor and charity administrator.

Part of Kathryn's role at Southwark Cathedral is as the Safeguarding Lead.

020 7367 6731


The Revd Jeremy Clark-King | Canon Treasurer

The Revd Jeremy Clark-King became Director for Clergy Formation and Initial Ministerial Education (IME) in the Diocese of Southwark and a Residential Canonry at Southwark Cathedral in September 2022. 

His role brings together vocations, and the training of curates, with the Director of Ordinands role, which Jeremy also covers.

020 7939 9458

The Revd Canon Wendy Robins | Canon Chancellor

Wendy Robins has been Canon Chancellor since December 2020 and is also the Director of Discipleship, Lay Ministry and Continuing Minister Education for the Diocese of Southwark. 

Prior to becoming Canon Chancellor, Wendy had worked for many years as the Director of Press and Communications for the Diocese of Southwark and the Bishop of Southwark’s Press Officer.  She was also Assistant Priest at Southwark Cathedral.  Wendy is a Self Supporting Minister.

Wendy was born and brought up in London and has lived in North London for most of her life save for when she was at university in Lancaster and subsequently worked as a residential social worker in the NW.  Prior to working in the Diocese of Southwark she worked for the Bible Society and USPG specialising in Adult Education publishing and training.

She trained for Ordination on the East Anglian Ministerial Training Course and was ordained deacon in 1993 and priested in 1994.  She served her title in the Diocese of Chelmsford.

When not at work Wendy enjoys reading of all kinds, especially crime fiction.  She also likes to cook and spending time with family and friends especially if that is over a meal and a nice glass of wine.

020 7939 9449