Join us at one of our talks to learn more about modern slavery.

What is Modern Slavery? What can I do about it?

Sunday 23 February, 9.45am

An introductory training session for members of the congregation and Cathedral volunteers. All are welcome to come and join us to learn about this year's social justice focus. The training session will be led by Babette Clarke from Hestia, our partner charity. This is an accessible introduction to the topic designed to increase awareness. 

The Truth about Modern Slavery | A Talk by Emily Kenway

Thursday 19 June

Emily Kenway is a leading expert on modern slavery and human trafficking. A former adviser to the UK's first Independent Anti Slavery Commissioner, she argues in her book how modern slavery has been used as a political tool by those in power.

Tickets £5, available from Eventbrite

Anywhere But Here: How Britain's Broken Asylum System Fails Us All | A Talk by Nicola Kelly

Thursday 25 September, 6.30pm

Nicola Kelly is an award winning journalist and writer focused on UK immigration and asylum. 

Tickets £5, available from Eventbrite

Migration, Ethics and Exploitation | A Talk by Ben Ryan

Wednesday 8 October, 6pm

Ben Ryan is Deputy CEO of the Medaille Trust, a charity providing support to survivors of modern slavery. He is a former National Public Policy and Ethics Adviser in the Church of England. 

Free tickets available from Eventbrite