Sunday 13 - Saturday 19 April
Palm Sunday | 13 April
On Palm Sunday we recall Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowd waved palm leaves and covered his path with them. We remember this with crosses made from palm leaves. Today also marks the beginning of Holy Week.
8.30am | Morning Prayer
9am | Eucharist with the Preaching of the Passion
11am | Choral Eucharist with Procession from Cathedral Square*
3pm | Choral Evensong with the first Holy Week Address by Bishop Rob Wickham
4.30pm | Organ Music and readings for Holy Week
James Gough, Cathedral Sub-Organist, with readings by Canon Kathryn Fleming
Monday 14 – Wednesday 16 April
Our journey through Holy Week continues through our daily services and Holy Week Addresses.
9am Morning Prayer*
12.30pm Midday Prayer
12.45pm Eucharist with Hymns
5.30pm Evening Prayer
6pm Holy Week Address and Sung Compline*
Maundy Thursday | 17 April
On Maundy Thursday we recall the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples before his arrest and trial, and his commandment to them to love one another.
9am Morning Prayer*
11am Chrism Eucharist
Clergy and lay ministers from across the Diocese of Southwark gather for an act of commitment to ministry and the blessing of the holy oils for use throughout the year.
5.30pm Evening Prayer
6.30pm Celebration of the Lord’s Supper with the Washing of Feet* (followed by the Watch of the Passion until 10pm)
This service includes the washing of the feet of some of the congregation, recalling Jesus’ actions at the Last Supper. Following the service we keep watch until 10pm , remembering Jesus’ long agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Good Friday | 18 April
Today we remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Though it seems in the moment that all is lost, beyond the grief and darkness of Good Friday, God’s love, stronger than death, is at work pointing to a brighter dawn.
9am Morning Prayer with Litany*
12pm Preaching of the Passion
1.30pm The Proclamation of the Cross and the Good Friday Liturgy *
4pm Evening Prayer
Holy Saturday | 19 April
Holy Saturday is a day when the world waits until at dusk we begin the joyful celebrations of Easter.
9am Morning Prayer with Litany*
4pm Evening Prayer
8pm Easter Vigil with Holy Baptism*
This first service of Easter begins in darkness and moves us from the emptiness of Holy Saturday into the joyous celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. It’s a time to celebrate the new life that we are offered through Christ, and to welcome new Christians baptised into the family of the Church.