Schools in the borough of Southwark with 35% or more of their current pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding can apply for free education sessions with us.
This bursary has been generously donated by St Olave’s Foundation Fund. You can apply on behalf of your school for up to three classes from the same year group to experience an education visit through the Learning Centre.
This includes:
- Up to three taught interactive Cathedral trails (one session per class) held at the Cathedral for classes from the same year group. This must be 3 of the same session.
- Up to three hands-on workshops (one session per class) held at the Cathedral for classes from the same year group.
The hands-on workshop can only be offered in conjunction with the interactive Cathedral trail and will take place on the same day.
Criteria - your school must meet both criteria
1. Primary, Secondary or Special school within the borough of Southwark with 35% or more of your current pupils eligible for pupil premium grant funding. We verify this data using the .gov schools data.
2. Primary, Secondary and SEND schools or PRUs who have not benefitted from another bursary funded workshop/s with us in the academic year 2023-24. This applies to any year group from the school.
If you meet the above two qualifying criteria and wish to apply, please contact us by email with the following information:
Application Questions
1. What % of the pupils in your school are currently in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant? Please provide verification with your application?
2. If known, when did your school last have a Cathedral workshop?
3. How do you usually pay for school trips? i.e. School budget, fundraising, parental contribution, other (please specify how).
4. Please provide us with a short statement about why this bursary is important to your school and its potential impact on your students’ learning. (Max 200 words)
Please be aware that this offer is limited due to the funds available.