Music performed in the English Choral Tradition is at the heart of worship at Southwark Cathedral. This beautiful and uplifting music is freely available to worshippers and visitors. 

The Cathedral’s rich musical tradition is sustained without the fee-paying Choir School found at many other cathedrals. The Boys’ and Girls’ Choirs are open to any boy or girl who demonstrates the musical ability required through open audition. Choristers come from different social and ethnic backgrounds, and from both state and independent schools.

Membership of the Choirs is free, and choristers receive an excellent musical education that their parents may not otherwise be able to afford.  However, the costs of the Choirs to the Cathedral are considerable, approximately £260,000 per year.

The Cathedral seeks financial support for the Choirs so worship can continue to be enriched by music, and the choristers can continue to receive exceptional training. There are a variety of ways to do this. You can make a one-off or regular donation, sponsor a chorister, or consider leaving a legacy in your will to the Choirs Endowment Fund (which produces an annual income to support the cost of Cathedral music). 

For more information about the work of the Trust please contact the Development Trust Treasurer by email -

Supporting the Girls’ Choir

The Girls’ Choir is the only Anglican Cathedral girls’ choir in London. It performs to an outstanding standard, singing Choral Evensong every Monday and alternate Thursdays, as well as at many special services and events. It has made recordings and broadcasts, performed at the Royal Albert Hall, and undertaken overseas tours. 

If you would like to support the Girls' Choir, please click here 

Supporting the Boys’ Choir

St Saviour's Church became the Cathedral for the newly formed Diocese of Southwark in 1905 and for many years has had a fine choir of boys and men. The Boys’ Choir sings the Choral Eucharist and also Choral Evensong on Sundays, and sings Choral Evensong on Tuesdays and Fridays. It has become well known through broadcasts, overseas tours and recordings.

If you would like to support the Boys Choir, please click here