Master Plan Questionnaire - An Invitation to tell us your Views

Since March, Covid-19 has caused a sudden and major disruption to Cathedral life, and imposed on us considerable financial constraints which make it extremely important to put together a viable and detailed plan of action for the immediate future

To inform this planning, we invite you to tell us about your priorities and your wishes. By reflecting on what you tell us, we can be clearer about the consensus of views of the Cathedral community as we plan ahead.

We would also like you to tell us if there are areas where things could be better; your suggestions would be helpful and will be taken seriously.

For the last seven months, we haven’t been able to meet together regularly in the normal way as a congregation, and this looks set to last for a while yet, so an on-line questionnaire seems the best way of gathering your views. If you know of members of the congregation who do not have internet access, please email so that we can mail them a hard copy. 

Please fill in this questionnaire as fully as you can; it will greatly help us in this task.  Many thanks from your lay representatives on Chapter,

You can access the survey here