Robes Sleep Out
SleepIn to help those who SleepOut
Each year the Cathedral hosts the main fundraising event for the Robes homeless charity based in South London.
For the past ten years the Cathedral churchyard has been filled with those prepared to sleep out for one night on Friday 27 November to help those who have no choice.
This year the Robes SleepOut will become the Robes SleepIN. We are inviting you to be sponsored to Sleep In your own homes, in your garden or on your balcony. Anywhere as long as it’s not your comfy bed.
So as we’re joining together virtually it doesn’t matter where you live you can still join in from the comforts of your home.
The event will be live streamed from the Cathedral hosted by the Dean, the Very Revd. Andrew Nunn.
We have a fantastic night of online entertainment, quiz and prizes to be won!
If you would like to join in the fundraising then you can either sign up, sponsor somebody already taking part or watch live and pledge some money during the evening. And watch out for details of how to buy a Robes mask!
We are thrillled to announce that Jay Flynn will be hosting a virtual quiz during the evening. There will be a chance to hear his story of how he found himself homeless in 2007 and why he was awarded an MBE for his work during the first lockdown.
Not long now to sign up so register here