New Visual Art on a Sunday Series Launches

The Rev’d Dr Ayla Lepine gives first Visual Theology talk.

On Sunday 19 January, the Rev’d Dr Ayla Lepine, gave an illustrated talk in the nave of the Cathedral entitled: ‘Seeing the Spirit: Liberation and Justice in Art by Women’. Ayla is Associate Rector of St James, Piccadilly. Her PhD at the Courtauld Institute of Art focused on the Gothic Revival and medievalism in modern Britain. She has held Fellowships at Yale’s Institute of Sacred Music, the University of Essex, and the National Gallery. She publishes and lectures widely, particularly on the intersections of social justice and modern visual culture.

In her talk she explores the work of Corita Kent, Claudette Johnson, and Barbara Walker. You can watch the talk below.

This talk was the first in a short series through the year of talks on art and faith. All are welcome.