Christmas Week in Tier 4

With London now in tier 4 for Christmas week, find out below what services will be streamed online

Worship will continue to be offered at Southwark Cathedral as is permitted in tier 4.  At the same time recognising the fact that many people will not want to physically come to church at this time we will be live streaming many of our services before and over Christmas.  

We will continue to do all that we can to make the Cathedral as Covid secure and welcoming as possible.  

Please continue to pray for one another.

The following services will be streamed on this website, Facebook and YouTube pages.

  • Morning Prayer at 9.00am (8.30am on Sunday)
  • Night Prayer (Compline) at 8.00pm 
  • Cathedral Carol Service on Sunday 20 December at 6.00pm
  • Midnight Mass on Thursday 24 December at 8.30pm
  • Choral Eucharist for Christmas Day on Friday 25 December at 11.00am
  • Choral Eucharist on the First Sunday after Christmas on 27 December at 11.00am

If you have registered on Eventbrite to attend any of our services in the lead up to Christmas then these are going ahead as planned.

Please note that the Cathedral Shop will be closed until further notice and the Cathedral Cafe will be serving takeaway only until Wednesday 23 December.