Maundy Thursday
Holy Week Special Service-
Southwark Cathedral
6:30 PM
On Maundy Thursday we recall the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples.
On Maundy Thursday we recall the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples before his arrest and trial, and his commandment to them to love one another.
9am | Morning Prayer
11am | Chrism Eucharist
Clergy and lay ministers from across the Diocese of Southwark gather together for an act of commitment to ministry and the blessing of the holy oils for use throughout the year.
5.30pm | Evening Prayer
6.30pm | Celebration of the Lord’s Supper*
With washing of feet and breaking of bread followed by the stripping of the altars and silent prayer in our 'garden of the watch' in the Retrochoir until 10pm.
Dove | Missa brevis
Durufle | Ubi caritas
Bruckner | Christus factus est
Psalm 116 vv. 10-17